Aquanza - Water Delivery WordPress Theme

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Created: Jan 10, 2014

Updated: Jun 8, 2021

ID: 47940

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Aquanza - Water Delivery WordPress Theme - Features Image 1Aquanza - Water Delivery WordPress Theme - Features Image 2Aquanza - Water Delivery WordPress Theme - Features Image 3Aquanza - Water Delivery WordPress Theme - Features Image 4Aquanza - Water Delivery WordPress Theme - Features Image 5Aquanza - Water Delivery WordPress Theme - Features Image 6Aquanza - Water Delivery WordPress Theme - Features Image 7

Aquanza - Water Delivery WordPress Theme

Water delivery is a service that is relevant at any time of the year. In the summer heat, the contents of coolers diverge in cold form, in winter hot tea and coffee are made from it. The service applies to B2B business at the same time, since the bulk of customers are companies and offices, but some people use home delivery.

The easiest way to advertise your business in 2021 is to create your site based on a water delivery WordPress theme. Aquanza is considered the best for landings, business cards, quick orders, stores with a relatively small number of product items.

The topic will also be useful for creating a site for the delivery of food and food from the restaurant, other courier services.

Take a ready-made template that is tailored to your water sales and delivery needs. Fill the template with your content and freely manage the web resource.

Put your services or goods in the catalog and start! Additional plugins will expand the functionality of the site and increase your capabilities.

Efficient site for delivery of water and other courier services

A creative water delivery WordPress theme allows you to increase the ability of your business.

A thoroughly thought-out structure, original design, main page with a catchy banner will increase the influx of potential customers. You will be able to establish business contacts, tell your visitors about the new business, create a photo gallery and blog.

You will have a carefully configured and ready-to-use resource. Do not forget to refresh the information, then it will rise in the search results and become an indispensable tool for the development of your business. Post the best works in the photo gallery, highlight your victories and masterpieces! This always attracts potential customers.

The design is made in such a way as to immediately cause associations with cool, clean freshness. This effect is achieved thanks to a competent combination of colors. In the theme, you get ready-made pages:

  • home
  • about us
  • shipping and prices
  • blog
  • single blog
  • contacts
  • order page

An effective and modern topic is ready for use. With your resource, you can easily attract customers and grow your business.

In addition to all the benefits, you also get full mobile adaptability. In the format for smartphones, the template is very simple, the form for ordering comes to the fore, which is especially convenient, because on phones people do not so much view the content as they want to quickly leave the application and get the desired service.

A universal water delivery WordPress theme will help you create a site, business card, landing page - any designated resource. You can refer to this topic if you need a site on any subject.

Features of the topic: integration with social networks, convenient font, modern design, marketing blocks, feedback form, many elements of high-quality infographics. By default, a button labeled "start my delivery" is offered, but it can be easily changed to "order now" or another.

WordPress' templates are always great for creating a site. The engine capabilities allow you to organize the entire cycle - from promotion through SEO promotion and natural issuance to direct orders. Setting up and installing ready-made packages takes a little time - from a few hours to a couple of days.

Simple site template delivery food or restaurant site on the WordPress

Aquanza has a simple flat design, beautiful alternation of blue and white blocks. Water delivery WordPress theme is interested in that it can be expanded from landing to a large resource, for example, a plant engaged in the production of mineral water. It includes internal pages and many tools for working with customers.

An adaptive, flexible theme is easy to manage and configure. Work yourself, the whole site will be completely under your control!

You can contact technical support at any time if you have questions about the operation of the site.

There is everything in this template. Water delivery is represented by a creative design with interesting graphic elements, if desired, they can be replaced. The most convenient thing is that ready-made "formats" of delivery and prices are offered, which can be used by click (the user simply selects the appropriate one).

Don't miss your customers! The site is not only the most modern and effective way to promote, but also the main platform for your work. It is much more convenient for customers to order something over the Internet than to look for a phone number somewhere in the notebook. Use Aquanza for your inspiration and start working on the site today!


Aquanza (June 8, 2021):

  • Cherry Plugins removed;
  • Minor bugs fixed;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.2 compatible;
  • WordPress 5.7 compatible.

4 Reviews for this product

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Качественный шаблон, с удобным visual редактором. Правда построен на старой сетке bootstrap 2. Большой функционал виджетов. Есть некоторая путаница в CPT, что в данном шаблоне представлено как услуги, на деле оказалось портфолио, но все быстро меняется в файлах шаблона. Так же никаких сторонних плагинов для наполнения контента не потребовалось, хватает нативно установленных. Данный шаблон подойдет как обычным пользователям, так и программистам, которые хоть раз работали с WP. Шаблон на 4, есть где доработать, но и из коробки вполне рабочий вариант.
First time I have used this template and both my web designer and myself are very happy with it and will be using again. Great set up for a mix of quality photos and text. I always use Templemonster for all my templates and have never been disappointed. Will be purchasing the same template for my next website.
The template is having water pictures I am a young developer with basics of WordPress designing Would like to use it for my client who is having a water filtration business. yes it will be hosted on For suggestions to improve will send letter as i have not touched anything onto the codes I have contacted support and it was about making the installation appear exactly as the demo
Best Wordpress Templates

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